Marvine Hamner, DSc
Dr. Marvine Hamner is the Chair of the Taksha Center for Data Science (TCDS), Chair of the Taksha Center for the Women’s STEM Network (TCWSN), and Member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the Taksha Center for Machine Learning and Hydrology (TCMLH). She has over 30 years of experience in a number of positions in industry, government and academia and has received a variety of awards for her work, including a NASA Certificate of Appreciation for “Significant Contributions toward the Achievement of the NASA High Speed Research Program Goals.” Dr. Hamner earned her BS from MIT and her MS from Purdue University, both in Aeronautics and Astronautics. She earned her doctorates in Engineering and in Public Policy from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis. Recently, Dr. Hamner was a Professor of Analytics at Harrisburg University.
While she was affiliated with the Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management at George Washington University she redesigned the American Red Cross’ Disaster Services Human Resource (DSHR) System and has been deployed to multiple disaster responses including the response to Hurricane Katrina. She served on the National Academies of Science Assessment of NASA Laboratory Capabilities Committee, and was an invited expert participant for the National Academies-US Institute of Peace Roundtable: Workshop on Harnessing Operational Systems Engineering to Support Peacebuilding.