Santosh Srivastava, PhD
Santosh K. Srivastava, with a PhD in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Advisor to Taksha’s Institute for Science and Technology (TIST), has extensive hands-on experience in the field of mass spectrometry as applied to electron-atom/molecule collision physics. Over the years, he developed techniques and procedures related to electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules, which are very important for analyzing mass spectrometric data generated by mass spectrometers equipped with an electron impact ionization source. Dr. Srivastava built and used a quadrupole mass spectrometer and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer of special design. He has also used high-power lasers to study plasmas and radical species. He holds three U.S. patents, two of them directly related to mass spectrometry. In 1975, he developed a “Relative Flow Technique,” which became widely accepted as a technique for accurate determination of ionization cross-sections by electron impact.
Dr. Srivastava has published more than 100 technical papers in the area of collision physics. He has presented several invited talks in scientific conferences and has taught a course on electron collision physics in Latin American School, Brazil (1991). With expertise in both positive and negative ion mass spectrometry, he has had the lead role on several research programs at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), with sponsorship from such agencies as NASA, AFOSR, ONR, EPA, NSF, and ARO.
His 35 years of research and development experience in the fields of experimental physics and chemistry include 28 years of employment at JPL, Californa Institute of Technology, from which he retired as a Principal Scientist. He is a recognized expert in the field of electron impact processes that involve expertise in the areas of electron beam producing devices, methods of charged particle detection, and counting methods such as photon and charged particle counting techniques. He has used coincidence methods extensively in his work related to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. He also has experience in the field of optical devices such as optical spectrometers, filters, polarizers, photon detectors, micro-channel plates, light sources, optical coatings, etc. He was awarded NASA’s “Exceptional Achievement Medal” in 1998.