Nancy C. Wolfson
Nancy C. Wolfson, Chair of the Taksha Center for Planetary Defense (TCPD) and Member of the Council of Advisors (CoA) for the Taksha Center for the Women’s STEM Network (WSN), is a Washington, DC-based scholar, independent researcher, speaker, entrepreneur and artist. Ms. Wolfson is currently the Vice Chair of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Technical Committee on Near Earth Objects (NEOs), as well as President of Disrupting Space Company based in the United States.
Her work is primarily focused on education, research, communication and outreach for
diverse space sectors. Some of her most recent work include contributing to the International Asteroid
Warning Network (IAWN). She is a signatory for United Nations Declaration for Asteroid Day, an
awareness and educational program designated to teach the world about asteroids. In this effort, Wolfson is joined by prominent leaders in science, technology, business and more than 125 astronauts, including Apollo 9’s Rusty Schweickart. She is also Chairperson for the annual conference ASCEND, sessions “Workforce Development and Public Outreach powered by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Team Lead for “Space Belong to All” a Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and the International Astronautical Search Collaboration Campaign “Finding an Asteroid”. Wolfson served as a judge for the Unistellar-SETI “Nickname an Asteroid” Campaign 2020, presenting her
recommendation to the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Wolfson is a frequent keynote speaker, panelist and moderator at international and U.S. events. Among her most recent engagements are a series of presentations at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). By the IAF, the United Nation Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Planetary Defense Conference (PDC), the Global Networking Forum (GNF), and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), just to mention some. Wolfson focuses on Human and Social Sciences aiming for diverse and healthy human colonies in Outer Space. Her objective is to democratize access to higher learning, making space concepts accessible to all academia, corporations, and the broad general public.