Astronauts, yoga practitioners, and aging adults all have something to teach us about the physiological effects of zero (or near-zero) gravity on the human body and ways to counteract them. Space travel, once considered esoteric and part of science fiction, is becoming a reality in our lifetime, with scientific and medical research turning to focus on such issues. For example, in the ultimate feat in “telemedicine,” closely monitoring health parameters in real-time and providing health care to Vyomanauts 200 km above the Earth’s surface will be a reality in India, in just another 40 months. See https://www.neurologyindia.com/article.asp?issn=0028-3886;year=2019;volume=67;issue=1;spage=37;epage=43;aulast=Ganapathy#.XI69hCjxB5g.email for an overview related to this endeavor, explaining what a “Space Doctor” needs to know with specific reference to the nervous system.
Taksha Institute of Space Health and Aging (TISHA) specializes in cross-cutting short courses, lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences that bring together experts in apparently disparate fields to find common links across the physiology and behavior of the broadest range of human conditions. We seek to apply this new perspective by identifying practical solutions to everyday issues such as the metabolic changes related to aging, or our modern technologically-rich, sedentary lifestyle. We aim to apply lessons from space, as well as to draw from yoga practice and therapy, to maintain health in space, aging, and modern-day stressful situations.
Yoga for Space Health
A major segment of TISHA’s focus relates to Yoga for Space Health. More specifically, TISHA emphasizes yoga therapy as a complementary approach to stress reduction and exercise countermeasure before, during, and in post-flight rehabilitation. The Institute’s publications and other events related to the topic can be seen at our Yoga for Space Health webpages: https://takshashila.org/yoga-for-space-health/.
TISHA Chair (Honorary)
Joan Vernikos, PhD
TI Advisor and Distinguished Senior Scientist
TISHA Council of Advisors (CoA):
Stephane Blanc, PhD
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg FR
Thais Russomano, MD, PhD
Kings College, London UK
Dilip Sarkar, MD, FACS, CAP
Chair, TI/CIMY, Hampton, VA US
TISHA Events
- 2014 – 3rd International Space Health Forum (ISH3): Human Energy Conservation on Earth and in Space – Hibernation, Meditation, and Sleep: Learning from Earth Models for Healthy Space Exploration, chaired by Joan Vernikos, PhD, former Director of Life Sciences, NASA Headquarters, Washington DC, and organized by Taksha (Old Dominion University (ODU) Peninsula Campus, Hampton, VA — Apr. 3-4, 2014).
Website: https://takshashila.org/divisions/TISHA/events/ISH3 - 2013 – 2nd International Space Health Forum (ISH2): Human Energy Conservation on Earth and in Space – Hibernation: Learning from Earth Models for Healthy Space Exploration, chaired by Joan Vernikos and organized by Taksha (International Space University (ISU), Headquarters, Strasbourg, France — Jul. 19, 2013).
Website: https://takshashila.org/event/TSH675-ISH2/ - 2012 – 1st International Space Health Forum (ISH1): Metabolic Changes, chaired by Joan Vernikos and organized by Taksha (Palo Alto, CA — Sept. 7, 2012).
Website: https://takshashila.org/event/TSH675-ISH1
Brochure: https://takshashila.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/TSH647-4-fold-brochure.pdf
TISHA Presentations Available on YouTube
- 2018 – Born to Move: A Body in Motion Stays Healthy Longer (must watch to the end of Q&A!)
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSO7QCxYG80&feature=emb_rel_ end - 2016 – Sitting Kills, Moving Heals: (with Brian Johnson)
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mucc–aIyaE - 2012 – Vernikos on YogiViews
Dr. Joan Vernikos discusses the important benefits of Yoga Therapy for space travelers on Yogiviews with TV host Antonio Sausys (09/12).
TISHA Publications and Presentations
Please see: www.taksha.org/divisions/TISHA/publications
TISHA-Related Publications Portal
[Under development]