School of Technical Business Management (STBM)
The School of Technical Business Management (STBM) aims to provide a foundation for strategic management of business operations in high technology organizations in both the public and private sector. A broad understanding of the classical principles of program and project management that has a history since WW II lays the foundation for some of the evolving theories in strategic business management. In today’s competitive environment, organizations cannot survive and prosper by simply reacting to new developments as they occur. Successful enterprises must take a systematic approach to carefully assess their business and mission needs through strategic planning.
Strategic management of R&D and advanced development projects is being recognized as a key factor in meeting the needs of organizations in highly competitive markets and challenging mission needs of federal agencies. Currently, scholarly literature is abundant with both evolutionary and revolutionary approaches to managing the processes of rapidly moving R&D from concept to markets and operational readiness. In this age of economic globalization, professionals in the business arena must develop an increased awareness of fundamental business practices that have been successfully used in the past tempered by some of the new approaches being used by successful emerging organizations. This is a major thrust of the STBM.
The Program for the STBM will present qualitative management courses in Fundamentals of Program and Project Management, Advanced Development Projects, Systems Engineering, Managing R&D in Organizations, Organizational Behavior and Control, Analysis of Technology Issues Affecting Society, Marketing High Technology Products to the Public and Private Sectors, Managing Support Service Contracts and Principles of Operations Management in the Public Sector. Quantitative courses will also be offered in decision sciences, quantitative risk analysis, contracting and fundamentals of accounting for engineers and scientists. The courses will use a mix of academic teaching notes and case studies. Plans include the establishment of a certification program in Strategic Management.
The curriculum also aims to provide a sound grounding in the fundamentals of management principles that pre-date the Roman Empire. Many of the management principles that were derived and used by the Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, Indian and the Romans to establish their empires generated some of the management principles that are successfully used today. Through the use of case studies and student research, these historical principles will be traced to modern principles of Strategic Management. The writings of Peter Drucker will be used extensively to provide the integrating knowledge between the principles established by these empire builders and modern strategic management.
A central emphasis of the School of Business will be strategic management and its importance in transforming R&D rapidly into business and mission operations. Whether students are in private or government sectors, rapidly moving R&D into operational products is a major factor of successful organizations, especially in the current environment of fast moving global markets and competitive threats from global competitors. The faculty of the TI IFAORS Center will be utilized extensively through seminars and lectures to discuss current technologies that have the potential to impact future business markets and operational readiness of federal agencies. Experts in aerospace systems, homeland security, shipbuilding, remote sensing and aviation safety and security will be available for specialized instruction tailored to the needs of students.
STBM Chairman:
Adarsh Deepak, Ph.D. (acting)
STBM Council of Advisors (COA):