Komerath and Deepak, R. – Press Release July 28, 2023

PRESS RELEASE: Taksha Institute, Hampton, VA, USA

Contact: contact@taksha.org





US-based Authors Present a Roadmap to Safely Reduce Global Warming through Meteorology


Hampton, VA, July 26, 2023: Efforts to reduce global warming face the risk of unintended consequences. Computational simulations can reduce that risk, but need extensive planetwide data to validate them. A paper titled: “A Reversible Mid-Stratospheric Architecture to Reduce Insolation” presents a roadmap where such data acquisition is integrated with reducing Global Warming.


Appearing in the October 2023 issue of the journal Applied Energy, the paper shows how to acquire meteorological data using swarms of HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) reflective Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles. Named Flying Leaves, these solar-powered ultralights operate continuously between 30.5km (100,000 feet) and 18.3 km (60,000 feet) above Sea Level. When confirmed to be safe, nations can choose to expand the same architecture on a massive scale, to reflect sunlight until re-forestation and efficient renewable energy take full effect.


Authors Narayanan Komerath and Ravi Deepak of Taksha Institute (Hampton, VA) point to a multi-university-led global effort with open publication and participation, that can stop and reverse Global Warming. This can be done safely and non-intrusively, respecting interests of all stakeholders. Laboratory, wind tunnel and small-scale flight tests since 2016 have reduced uncertainties. This clears a path to deploy larger vehicles that can acquire data to support predictions, while reflecting sunlight.


The paper can be accessed courtesy of Elsevier Ltd at https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1hTYP_6zgtK1kB